Engine Oil Solenoid Valve Control Inspection
1.  Perform the KOER self-test. If the following DTCs are detected, repair the applicable malfunctioning location according to the applicable DTC troubleshooting.
•  P06DB:00 or P06DC:00
2.  Inspect the oil pressure.
•  If not within the standard, repair or replace the malfunctioning location.
3.  Monitor the PCM PIDs [OIL_PRES_SOL], [ENG_RPM], and [ECT] using the M-MDS data monitor function.
4.  With the engine coolant temperature at less than 98 °C {208 °F}, increase the engine speed to 4,000 rpm or more, and verify that the oil pressure gauge value changes when the PID [OIL_PRES_SOL] value is changed from ON to OFF.
•  If the value change cannot be verified, inspect the engine oil solenoid valve.

Engine Oil Solenoid Valve Operation Inspection
1. Remove the engine oil solenoid valve.
2. Verify that the battery is fully charged.
3. Connect the battery to the engine oil solenoid valve connector (2 terminals) as shown in the figure.

4. Verify that there is an operation sound from the engine oil solenoid valve when applying battery voltage between engine oil solenoid valve connector terminals A and B.
• A click sound is heard when the engine oil solenoid valve operates normally.
• If the operation sound cannot be heard, replace the engine oil solenoid valve
5. Install the engine oil solenoid valve.