Quick release connector (emission system) and exhaust shutter [Skyactiv-x 2.0]

– When releasing the retainer, be careful not to damage the evaporative pipe.
– The exhaust shutter valve cannot be removed because it is built into the middle pipe.

Mazda CX-30 2019-2024
1.Check valve removal/installation inspection. [Skyactiv G].
2. Rollover valve removal/installation. [Skyactiv G].
3. Rollover valve inspection. [Skyactiv G].
4. Quick release connector (emission system) removal/installation. [Skyactiv G].

1. Connect the M-MDS to the DLC-2.
2. Switch the ignition ON (engine off).
3. Display PID EX_SHUT_VLV_ACT and simulation item EX_SHUT_VLV_DSD using the M-MDS.
4. Verify that the PID EX_SHUT_VLV_ACT value conforms to the simulation item EX_SHUT_VLV_DSD value when the exhaust shutter valve opening angle (simulation item: EX_SHUT_VLV_DSD) is changed using the simulation function.